RM #: 12510 S1/Member Profile 14-Jan-88 15:47:54 Sb: #12494-Help! Fm: SysOp Bruce Kullberg 76703,2032 To: John Edwards 71251,2457 (X) John, This can be the right place. Why not give us some more information about yourself - area of expertise, location, etc. I have seen some connections made on this Forum, but its being at the right place at the right time. Don't get discouraged, keep plug'n away! Good luck! Bruce To: ALL Subject: WHAT I DO Enter /EX to exit EDIT [ New message ready ] I am a master machinist. I have experience in all levels of Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) I also have many other skills. I seem to have a natural calling for the computer field. Am also very interested in WRITING. Have always been very mechanicaly inclined and know much about electronics. The thing is that I'm AUTODIDACTIC and most people tend to underestimate the possibilities of that. I would also like to find out more about helping to retrain some of our disabled fellows. /ex LEAVE ACTIONS 1 (S) Store the Message 2 (SU) Store Unformatted 3 (MA) Mail via Easyplex 4 (MU) Mail Unformatted 5 (C) Continue Entering Text 6 (A) Abort the Leave Function Enter choice !s SUBTOPIC # REQUIRED 0 General Information 1 Member Profile 2 International Trade 3 Business Entry 4 Marketing & Sales 5 Finance 6 Business Resources 7 Managing Your Co. 8 Business Plan 9 Economic Developm't 10 Business Software Enter choice : 1 Message # 12515 Stored Enter choice !GO CMS-7 Exiting at 15-Jan-88 03:49:06 Last message in forum: 12515 Last message you've read: 0 Thank you for visiting Int'l Entrepreneurs